Forked from paalfe/
- Cisco IOU License Generator. Dec 13, 2016 - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gns3/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gns3 gns3-gui. If you want IOU support: sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gns3-iou. Download IOU image files for L2 and L3 ios. Download (Google).
- Cisco IOU License Generator – Kal 2011, python port of 2006 C version hostid=bada0c0f, hostname=eve-ng, ioukey=bada0e51 Step 2: Add the following text to /.iourc.
Cisco IOU License Generator. Originally found at, I have done a few changes to it. Make the file executable with ' chmod +x ' and execute it ' ./ '.
Aug 11, 2020 How to generate IOU license. Follow the next steps to generate IOU license: 1. Create an iou keygen file in the EVE directory for iou images: 2. Copy the following script and paste it to the file: 3. Save the file and exit the editor (by pressing “ESC” then “:wq”).
#! /usr/bin/python |
print'n*********************************************************************' |
print'Cisco IOU License Generator - Kal 2011, python port of 2006 C version' |
importos |
importsocket |
importhashlib |
importstruct |
# get the host id and host name to calculate the hostkey |
hostid=os.popen('hostid').read().strip() |
hostname=socket.gethostname() |
ioukey=int(hostid,16) |
forxinhostname: |
ioukey=ioukey+ord(x) |
print'hostid='+hostid+', hostname='+hostname+', ioukey='+hex(ioukey)[2:] |
# create the license using md5sum |
iouPad1='x4Bx58x21x81x56x7Bx0DxF3x21x43x9Bx7ExACx1DxE6x8A' |
iouPad2='x80'+39*'0' |
md5input=iouPad1+iouPad2+struct.pack('!L', ioukey) +iouPad1 |
iouLicense=hashlib.md5(md5input).hexdigest()[:16] |
# add license info to $HOME/.iourc |
print'n*********************************************************************' |
print'Create the license file $HOME/.iourc with this command:' |
print' echo -e '[license]n'+hostname+' = '+iouLicense+';'+' | tee $HOME/.iourc ' |
print'nThe command adds the following text to $HOME/.iourc:' |
print'[license]n'+hostname+' = '+iouLicense+';' |
# disable phone home feature |
print'n*********************************************************************' |
print'Disable the phone home feature with this command:' |
print' grep -q -F '' /etc/hosts || echo '' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts' |
print'nThe command adds the following text to /etc/hosts:' |
print'' |
print'n*********************************************************************' |
Cisco Iou Keygen Python 3 Download
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