I have tried reinstalling the game and entering fixes other threads have suggested into the command prompt. nothing has worked so far, and I'm hoping some one can help out.
I've never had a problem running the game on my old computer running XP, but my new Vista seems to be unable to play the game.
After exiting Prop Hunt (a game mode of Garry's Mod from Steam), I get MalwareBytes reporting the following two IP addresses as being blocked.
A Garry's Mod (GMOD) Forum Thread in the Other/Misc category, submitted by BatmanOnSalvia. It says sending info, and then it turns black, and pop up- HL2.Exe has. Start your Cheat Engine and your Garry's Mod and Start a New Game (the map doesn't matter) Attach Cheat Engine to Garry's Mod (hl2.exe) Open your Console in Garrry's Mod and write svallowcslua and any number you like (try to avoide 0 or 1 and try to have a unique number like 1337).
This happens pretty much every time I play the game. I have downloaded many maps/textures/taunts from Steam so I don't know how to isolate the problem.
One other person reply to mey Steam forum post on said subject here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/4000/discussions/1/648816742663116217/
Hl2.exe Garrys Mod List
I was sent here (http://www.symantec.com/security_response/) to report the problem from Symantec chat, but I couldn't find where to report the problem. That is the purpose of this post.