
Layby Reminder Template

Layby Reminder Template Excel

Reaching your target audience at the right time with the right message is critical to the success of any email marketing campaign. However, according to the Mailchimp survey, the average email open rate is around 21% across all industries. That’s why reminder emails are essential. Timely sent reminder emails can increase engagement and nudge customers to perform specific actions when necessary. But crafting these emails and figuring out when’s the best time to send them out can be challenging for marketers. Below are a few reminder email templates for different occasions that you can adapt for your own use.

What is a reminder email?

A reminder email is a powerful tool for marketers that basically does what it says – it reminds the recipient of something important that is coming up, something that is expected of them, or should have happened but didn’t. Here are some scenarios in which sending a reminder email can benefit your business:

Next, let's dive into 8 different templates you can copy and paste for your payment reminder emails. Payment Reminder Before the Invoice Due Date. Now, as we mentioned, you want to send out payment reminders well before the invoice is due. This way, you give clients a heads up and a means to plan to settle it promptly. In any payment reminder letter, it’s very important that you include your company’s letterhead. The letterhead should include your personal details such as name, job title, and company address. By mentioning your personal details, you make it easier for the customer to identify you much easier. A letter informing employees of the change in policy is a formal letter written to inform the employees of a company or organization of any recent changes, improvements or improvisations in the company’s or group’s current function policy. This letter is crucial as it informs all the members or employees of any changes that are to be.

  • Informing users that their free trial is about to expire/ has expired
  • Re-engaging inactive users who abandoned your product at a certain step (for example unfished registration)
  • Reminding current customers to renew their subscription or membership
  • Notifying clients of their upcoming bill date, late, or overdue payments
  • Alerting customers of failed payments/credit card expiration/account cancellation
  • Reminding customers about important upcoming events, etc.

Reminder email subject lines

  • [Name], we haven’t seen you in a while ☹
  • We’ve missed you!
  • We noticed you’ve been a little distant lately
  • Your [Product] Trial ends in [number] days
  • [Name], your [Product] trial is almost over. Update now!
  • Action Required – Your [Product] payment has failed
  • Please update your payment information
  • Oh no, there’s a problem with your [Product] payment
  • Your [Product] account has been paused!
  • Your [Product] account will be deactivated in [number] days
  • Reminder: Event Submission Deadline is [date]
  • Don’t miss out [Event Name]
  • Last chance to see [Speaker] live at [Event Name]!

8 Reminder email templates

The inactive user reminder email

The upcoming payment reminder email

Credit card expiration reminder email

Account cancellation reminder email

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Layby Reminder Template

Frequently asked questions

When should I send a reminder email?

There is no perfect time to send a reminder email as it will vary case by case. If you are reminding customers about the upcoming payment, trial expiration, or renewal of their subscription, it makes sense to notify them at least a week beforehand, as well as on the due date. When it comes to dunning emails to recover failed payments, it’s generally appropriate to send a reminder on the first business day after the due date.

How many reminder emails should I send?

One of the biggest mistakes you can make with reminder emails is to send a single reminder and hope for the best. If you want to convert more trial users or recover more revenue from failed payments, consider sending a series of emails including pre-reminders, due-date reminders, and reminder follow-ups.

What are the best practices for reminder emails?

Reminder emails should be short, simple, and provide only the right amount of context and level of detail without being overwhelming with unnecessary information. They should be written in a professional, yet friendly and polite manner – the key is finding the right balance between being persistent and pushy. Make sure to include an obvious call to action so that customers know exactly what is expected of them.

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5 Sample reminder letter for payment.

First Reminder

Firm Name,


Dear Sirs,

We would like to remind you that a sum of Rs. …………… remains overdue in spite of the lapse of two months since we dispatched 1,200 packets of Topaz Blades to you.

We shall be glad if you will send us a cheque to balance the amount immediately. If by any chance your cheque is already in the mail, please ignore this reminder and accept our thanks.


Yours faithfully,


Image Source: jcccsonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/5thgradedontforget.jpg

Second Reminder: An Appeal for Cooperation

Firm Name,



Dear Sirs,

We had written to you on ……………, about the overdue balance in respect of 1,200 packets of Topaz Blades amounting to Rs. …………… which has probably escaped your attention.

We want your business, and we want you to feel that you are the privileged customer, you really are. You will receive continued good service in exchange for prompt payment.

Yours faithfully,


Third Reminder: An enquiry

Firm Name,


Dear Sirs,

We very much regret that we have not received any reply to our letter dated ……………, regarding the overdue amount against your firm of Rs. ……………

We have failed to understand why you have not sent any reply in spite of the lapse of more than three months since we dispatched the packets of Topaz Blades to you

It is regrettable that our letters have been ignored which may jeopardize our business relations.

We shall appreciate an immediate reply.

Yours faithfully,


Forth Remind: Threatening Legal Action

Dear Sirs,

We very much regret that the sum of Rs. …………… has been overdue since long and in spite of our repeated requests and reminders you haven’t cared to reply or remit the amount.

If we do not receive the above amount within a week of the receipt of this notice, we shall be constrained to resort to legal proceeding and you shall be held liable to the consequences.

Yours faithfully,


Fifth Reminder: An Appeal to Fair play

Dear Sirs,

We regret that despite your promise of prompt payment regarding the good we had dispatched to you, you have not done so. You seem to have forgotten all that you had written earlier.

Could we hope that you would remit amount without any further delay?

Yours ever in service,

Yours faithfully,


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