
Building a Bitx20 Version 3. The board can be broken into sections and then built and tested one section at a time. This will make troubleshooting easier as any problems will be confined to one small section. Install all of the wire jumpers onto the board. These can use bare or insulated wire. #22 wire will fir nicely through the holes. Inmiddels is de amateurwereld bij de BitX20 Versie 4 aangeland. Voor wie het niet weet: de Bitx20 is een 20m SSB transceiver met een output van ca. 10W welke geheel uit makkelijk verkrijgbare en goedkope onderdelen is opgebouwd. Het originele ontwerp is van de Indiase amateur Ashhar Farhan en is door de amateurwereld. Your Mercedes-Benz Owners Manuals are your go-to source for any information you need to know regarding the operation of your vehicle. Left Arrow 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012.

  • BITX20 designed by Ashhar Farhan. The BITX20 is a low technology transceiver designed to use “simple” components and is easily adapted to other bands, I quickly manufactured a variant for 80M (version 1). The radio presented here is a development of that; now at version 3. Many changes have been made through my experience with the first.
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BITX20 by Hendricks Kits

This little board should have been a ‘work first time’ too…but it isn’t.

Bitx20 Version 3 Manual

The BITX20 was originally designed by Ashar Farhan VU3ICQ, and the aim was to use common, low cost parts. This would mean that radio amateurs in poorer countries could build a working SSB transceiver and work the world on 20m. His website is here.

Sunil Lakhani VU3SUA, made available some PCB’s, so those who didn’t want to build ‘dead bug’ style or make their own boards, didn’t need to. Here is Sunil’s website, but he sometimes sells on eBay too.

Bitx20 Version 3 Manual Free

I opted for the version by Hendricks QRP Kits in the states; details here. At that time you could buy just the PCB and components kit for about $60…now, you have to buy a complete kit including case and frequency counter; $180 before carriage and UK import taxes.

Hendricks BITX20

Bitx20 version 3 manual free

I found the board quite fiddly to assemble…I don’t really know why, it just was. Some of the semiconductors supplied did not match the manual and I had to look up which one was the equivalent; not a major hardship but they could have listed the options in the manual.


As it is now, I have the receiver working but deaf as a post with the bandpass filter in circuit; thankfully my spectrum analyser will help with that. There are no incorrect parts or bad joints…so who knows.

The transmitter PA also takes off when you try to set the bias current…apparently there’s a mod for this. Would I build another? No, I’d go for the ILER-20 which is cheaper and almost certainly a ‘work first time’.