To install Installshield tool on windows machine, use the below command.

To install setup files created using Installshield, use below options.

For example, the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) by default creates installers that support a /S switch to force silent installation with default settings. Version 3 of misexec.exe, the Windows Installer application, has a /passive option that makes it install an MSI package automatically but shows a progress dialog box. The switches for Inno Setup are fully documented in the ISetup.hlp file in the Inno distribution. Here, is an html version. Thanks to Lawrence Mayer for it. In our experience, the /silent switch is usually sufficient for a basic unattended installation.

The Silent Install options for InstallShield installer

/sSilent mode. For an InstallScript project, the command Setup.exe /s runs the installation in silent mode, by default based on the responses contained in a response file called Setup.iss in the same directory.
/rRecord mode. In order to run an InstallScript project installation program in silent mode, you must first run Setup.exe with the /r option to generate a response file, which stores information about the data entered and options selected by the user at run time. Running an InstallScript installation program with the command Setup.exe /r displays all the run-time dialogs, and stores the data in a file called Setup.iss, created inside the system’s Windows folder. response file name and location, use the /f1 option, described below.
/f1Specify alternative response file name and path Using the /f1 option enables you to specify where the response file is (or where it should be created) and what its name is, as in Setup.exe /s /f1″C:TempSetup.iss”. Specify an absolute path; using a relative path gives unpredictable results. The /f1 option is available both when creating a response file (with the /r option) and when using a response file (with the /s option)
/f2Specify alternative log file name and path When running an InstallScript installation in silent mode (using the /s option), the log file Setup.log is by default created in the same directory and with the same name (except for the extension) as the response file. The /f2 option enables you to specify an alternative log file location and file name, as in Setup.exe /s /f2″C:Setup.log”. Specify an absolute path; using a relative path gives unpredictable results.


Start the installer silently

Data taken from Installshield

Those setup.exe files generated with InstallShield inherently support the creation and use of answer files that may be used to silent install applications. Although it has no logic to handle anything not expected by the answerfile (more or less dialogs, more or less options in a dialog) it can be a helpful means of installation for some applications. The supported switches are as follows:


Runs setup in debug mode. The -d switch also includes a [pathonly] option for specifying the path of the Setup.rul file. For more information, refer to the Visual Debugger help file.


Specifies an alternate compiled script. Unless the compiled script (.ins file) also resides in the same directory as that of Setup.exe, the full path to the compiled script must be specified. _setup.dll must also reside in the same directory as your .ins file. For example, setup -ftest.ins will launch setup using Test.ins instead of Setup.ins.


Specifies an alternate location and name of the response file (.iss file). If this option is used when running InstallShield Silent, the response file is read from the folder/file specified by[pathResponseFile]. If this option is used along with the -r option, the response file is written to the folder/file specified by[pathResponseFile]. If an alternate compiled script is specified using the -f switch, the -f1 switch entry must follow the -f switch entry.


Specifies an alternate location and name of the log file created by InstallShield Silent. By default, Setup.log log file is created and stored in the same directory as that of Setup.ins. If an alternate compiled script is specified using the -f switch, the -f2 switch entry must follow the -f switch entry.


Causes Setup.exe to generate a Management Information Format (.mif) file automatically at the end of the setup. Do not include a path - the .mif file is always placed in the Windows folder. [filename] is optional. If you do not specify a filename, the resulting file will be called Status.mif.

-m1[serial number]

Comodo Silent Installation Switches Free

Tells setup to place the indicated serial number in the created .mif file.

-m2[locale string]

Tells setup to place the indicated locale in the .mif file. English (ENU) is the default; refer to Microsoft documentation for a complete listing of locale strings.


Causes Setup.exe automatically to generate a silent setup file (.iss file), which is a record of the setup input, in the Windows folder.


Runs InstallShield Silent to execute a silent setup.


Prevents a network connection and Setup.exe from closing before the setup is complete. This switch works with setups originating from a Windows NT server over a network. Please note that SMS must be uppercase; this is a case-sensitive switch.


Prevents Setup.exe from checking the available memory during initialization. This switch is necessary when running a setup on a machine with more than 256 MB of memory; if it is not used, Setup.exe reports insufficient memory and exits.

Installshield Silent Installation


Runs the setup as an uninstallation without reading the script.



Provides more detailed information when a Setup.exe error occurs.

Please note the following:

Comodo Silent Installation Switches For Sale

Setup.exe command line parameters are not case sensitive; upper case or lower case letters can be used.

Separate multiple command line switches with a space, but do not put a space inside a command line switch (for example, /r /fInstall.ins is valid, but not /r/f Install.ins).

Comodo Silent Installation Switches Manual

When using long path and filename expressions with switches, enclose the expressions in double quotation marks. The enclosing double quotes tell the operating system that spaces within the quotation marks are not to be treated as command line delimiters.