
Modded gear for diablo 3 pc

  1. Diablo 3 Pc Modded Gear Guide
  • What is up everyone! In this video i will showing you an easier route to take to get modded gear. It will save me alot of time to put towards these videos as.
  • 9/10/14 11:00AM. After an expansion, a console port, and several patches, Diablo III looks really healthy right now. With tons of special items.

D3 Editor Patch 2.6.8 now available. D3 Editor Patch 2.6.8 is now live. Greater Rift level selection added. Checkbox for unlocking all transmogs added. Primal flag updated. Max Essence and Intelligence added for Necro. Max stash limit increased to 910. Click here to download. Posted by ooCONTAGIONoo at 6:52 PM 2 comments. Despite these obstacles, players have created some amazing mods, greatly extending the play experience of Diablo and Diablo 2. Sadly, the would-be modders will be running uphill again with Diablo 3, since the D3 Team has no plans to make the game mod friendly or to release any tools that assist the modding community.

Diablo 3 Pc Modded Gear Guide

As I play and are over 1k paragon on my Monk I like to push the leaderboards. This season is broken as there are modded people scattered all over them. Never have we had a broken season like this people doing 150’s in 3min. It makes it hard to play as what’s the point. Psychmantis111 is the Monk leader atm has modded gear and leads the boards. This will never be broken by a standard player with 5k para and maxed gear and gems. Blizzard please remove modded gear players from season or this will bite you in the end as we will quit your greatest season now.