

Approximate query processing. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)), Azure SQL Database. Approximate query processing is a new feature family. It aggregates across large datasets where responsiveness is more critical than absolute precision. The goal of distributed query processing may be summarized as follows: given a calculus query on a distributed database, find a corresponding execution strategy that minimizes a system cost function that includes I/O, CPU, and communication costs.

  • The paper is devoted to the problem of effective query execution in clusterbased systems. An original approach to data placement and replication on the nodes of a cluster system is presented. Based on this approach, a load balancing method for.
  • The fundamental part of any DBMS is query processing and optimization 5 6. The results of any query have to be made accessible at a time required by the user who submitted the query. Object-Oriented database system 7 8 9 which gives more strong data modeling capabilities are usually found in Data.
  • The trigger queries the parent table using SELECT FOR UPDATE, ensuring that parent row (if it exists) will remain in the database for the duration of the transaction inserting the child row. If the corresponding parent row does not exist, the trigger rejects the insert of the child row.

Applies to: SQL Server (all supported versions) Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance

The intelligent query processing (IQP) feature family includes features with broad impact that improve the performance of existing workloads with minimal implementation effort to adopt.

Watch this 6-minute video for an overview of intelligent query processing:

You can make workloads automatically eligible for intelligent query processing by enabling the applicable database compatibility level for the database. You can set this using Transact-SQL. For example:

The following table details all intelligent query processing features, along with any requirement they have for database compatibility level.

IQP FeatureSupported in Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed InstanceSupported in SQL ServerDescription
Adaptive Joins (Batch Mode)Yes, under compatibility level 140Yes, starting in SQL Server 2017 (14.x) under compatibility level 140Adaptive joins dynamically select a join type during runtime based on actual input rows.
Approximate Count DistinctYesYes, starting in SQL Server 2019 (15.x)Provide approximate COUNT DISTINCT for big data scenarios with the benefit of high performance and a low memory footprint.
Batch Mode on RowstoreYes, under compatibility level 150Yes, starting in SQL Server 2019 (15.x) under compatibility level 150Provide batch mode for CPU-bound relational DW workloads without requiring columnstore indexes.
Interleaved ExecutionYes, under compatibility level 140Yes, starting in SQL Server 2017 (14.x) under compatibility level 140Use the actual cardinality of the multi-statement table valued function encountered on first compilation instead of a fixed guess.
Memory Grant Feedback (Batch Mode)Yes, under compatibility level 140Yes, starting in SQL Server 2017 (14.x) under compatibility level 140If a batch mode query has operations that spill to disk, add more memory for consecutive executions. If a query wastes > 50% of the memory allocated to it, reduce the memory grant side for consecutive executions.
Memory Grant Feedback (Row Mode)Yes, under compatibility level 150Yes, starting in SQL Server 2019 (15.x) under compatibility level 150If a row mode query has operations that spill to disk, add more memory for consecutive executions. If a query wastes > 50% of the memory allocated to it, reduce the memory grant side for consecutive executions.
Scalar UDF InliningYes, under compatibility level 150Yes, starting in SQL Server 2019 (15.x) under compatibility level 150Scalar UDFs are transformed into equivalent relational expressions that are 'inlined' into the calling query, often resulting in significant performance gains.
Table Variable Deferred CompilationYes, under compatibility level 150Yes, starting in SQL Server 2019 (15.x) under compatibility level 150Use the actual cardinality of the table variable encountered on first compilation instead of a fixed guess.

Batch mode Adaptive joins

Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)), Azure SQL Database

The batch mode Adaptive Joins feature enables the choice of a Hash Join or Nested Loops Join method to be deferred until after the first input has been scanned, by using a single cached plan. The Adaptive Join operator defines a threshold that is used to decide when to switch to a Nested Loops plan. Your plan can therefore dynamically switch to a better join strategy during execution.

For more information, including how to disable Adaptive joins without changing the compatibility level, see Understanding Adaptive joins.

Batch mode memory grant feedback

Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)), Azure SQL Database

A query's post-execution plan in SQL Server includes the minimum required memory needed for execution and the ideal memory grant size to have all rows fit in memory. Performance suffers when memory grant sizes are incorrectly sized. Excessive grants result in wasted memory and reduced concurrency. Insufficient memory grants cause expensive spills to disk. By addressing repeating workloads, batch mode memory grant feedback recalculates the actual memory required for a query and then updates the grant value for the cached plan. When an identical query statement is executed, the query uses the revised memory grant size, reducing excessive memory grants that impact concurrency and fixing underestimated memory grants that cause expensive spills to disk.The following graph shows one example of using batch mode adaptive memory grant feedback. For the first execution of the query, duration was 88 seconds due to high spills:

With memory grant feedback enabled, for the second execution, duration is 1 second (down from 88 seconds), spills are removed entirely, and the grant is higher:

Memory grant feedback sizing

For an excessive memory grant condition, if the granted memory is more than two times the size of the actual used memory, memory grant feedback will recalculate the memory grant and update the cached plan. Plans with memory grants under 1 MB will not be recalculated for overages.For an insufficiently sized memory grant condition, that result in a spill to disk for batch mode operators, memory grant feedback will trigger a recalculation of the memory grant. Spill events are reported to memory grant feedback and can be surfaced via the spilling_report_to_memory_grant_feedback xEvent. This event returns the node ID from the plan and spilled data size of that node.

Memory grant feedback and parameter sensitive scenarios

Different parameter values may also require different query plans in order to remain optimal. This type of query is defined as 'parameter-sensitive.' For parameter-sensitive plans, memory grant feedback will disable itself on a query if it has unstable memory requirements. The plan is disabled after several repeated runs of the query and this can be observed by monitoring the memory_grant_feedback_loop_disabled xEvent. For more information about parameter sniffing and parameter sensitivity, refer to the Query Processing Architecture Guide.

Memory grant feedback caching


Feedback can be stored in the cached plan for a single execution. It is the consecutive executions of that statement, however, that benefit from the memory grant feedback adjustments. This feature applies to repeated execution of statements. Memory grant feedback will change only the cached plan. Changes are currently not captured in the Query Store.Feedback is not persisted if the plan is evicted from cache. Feedback will also be lost if there is a failover. A statement using OPTION (RECOMPILE) creates a new plan and does not cache it. Since it is not cached, no memory grant feedback is produced and it is not stored for that compilation and execution. However, if an equivalent statement (that is, with the same query hash) that did not use OPTION (RECOMPILE) was cached and then re-executed, the consecutive statement can benefit from memory grant feedback.

Tracking memory grant feedback activity

You can track memory grant feedback events using the memory_grant_updated_by_feedback xEvent. This event tracks the current execution count history, the number of times the plan has been updated by memory grant feedback, the ideal additional memory grant before modification and the ideal additional memory grant after memory grant feedback has modified the cached plan.

Memory grant feedback, resource governor and query hints

Query Processing In Dbms Education 4u

The actual memory granted honors the query memory limit determined by the resource governor or query hint.

Disabling batch mode memory grant feedback without changing the compatibility level

Memory grant feedback can be disabled at the database or statement scope while still maintaining database compatibility level 140 and higher. To disable batch mode memory grant feedback for all query executions originating from the database, execute the following within the context of the applicable database:

When enabled, this setting will appear as enabled in sys.database_scoped_configurations.

To re-enable batch mode memory grant feedback for all query executions originating from the database, execute the following within the context of the applicable database:

You can also disable batch mode memory grant feedback for a specific query by designating DISABLE_BATCH_MODE_MEMORY_GRANT_FEEDBACK as a USE HINT query hint. For example:

Query Processing In Dbms

A USE HINT query hint takes precedence over a database scoped configuration or trace flag setting.

Row mode memory grant feedback

Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)), Azure SQL Database

Row mode memory grant feedback expands on the batch mode memory grant feedback feature by adjusting memory grant sizes for both batch and row mode operators.

To enable row mode memory grant feedback in Azure SQL Database, enable database compatibility level 150 for the database you are connected to when executing the query.

Query processing in dbms geeksforgeeks

Row mode memory grant feedback activity will be visible via the memory_grant_updated_by_feedback XEvent.

Starting with row mode memory grant feedback, two new query plan attributes will be shown for actual post-execution plans: IsMemoryGrantFeedbackAdjusted and LastRequestedMemory, which are added to the MemoryGrantInfo query plan XML element.

LastRequestedMemory shows the granted memory in Kilobytes (KB) from the prior query execution. IsMemoryGrantFeedbackAdjusted attribute allows you to check the state of memory grant feedback for the statement within an actual query execution plan. Values surfaced in this attribute are as follows:

IsMemoryGrantFeedbackAdjusted ValueDescription
No: First ExecutionMemory grant feedback does not adjust memory for the first compile and associated execution.
No: Accurate GrantIf there is no spill to disk and the statement uses at least 50% of the granted memory, then memory grant feedback is not triggered.
No: Feedback disabledIf memory grant feedback is continually triggered and fluctuates between memory-increase and memory-decrease operations, we will disable memory grant feedback for the statement.
Yes: AdjustingMemory grant feedback has been applied and may be further adjusted for the next execution.
Yes: StableMemory grant feedback has been applied and granted memory is now stable, meaning that what was last granted for the previous execution is what was granted for the current execution.

Disabling row mode memory grant feedback without changing the compatibility level

Row mode memory grant feedback can be disabled at the database or statement scope while still maintaining database compatibility level 150 and higher. To disable row mode memory grant feedback for all query executions originating from the database, execute the following within the context of the applicable database:

To re-enable row mode memory grant feedback for all query executions originating from the database, execute the following within the context of the applicable database:

You can also disable row mode memory grant feedback for a specific query by designating DISABLE_ROW_MODE_MEMORY_GRANT_FEEDBACK as a USE HINT query hint. For example:

A USE HINT query hint takes precedence over a database scoped configuration or trace flag setting.

Interleaved execution for MSTVFs

Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)), Azure SQL Database

With interleaved execution, the actual row counts from the function are used to make better-informed downstream query plan decisions. For more information on multi-statement table-valued functions (MSTVFs), see Table-valued functions.

Interleaved execution changes the unidirectional boundary between the optimization and execution phases for a single-query execution and enables plans to adapt based on the revised cardinality estimates. During optimization if we encounter a candidate for interleaved execution, which is currently multi-statement table-valued functions (MSTVFs), we will pause optimization, execute the applicable subtree, capture accurate cardinality estimates, and then resume optimization for downstream operations.

MSTVFs have a fixed cardinality guess of 100 starting with SQL Server 2014 (12.x), and 1 for earlier SQL Server versions. Interleaved execution helps workload performance issues that are due to these fixed cardinality estimates associated with MSTVFs. For more information on MSTVFs, see Create User-defined Functions (Database Engine).

The following image depicts a Live Query Statistics output, a subset of an overall execution plan that shows the impact of fixed cardinality estimates from MSTVFs. You can see the actual row flow vs. estimated rows. There are three noteworthy areas of the plan (flow is from right to left):

  1. The MSTVF Table Scan has a fixed estimate of 100 rows. For this example, however, there are 527,597 rows flowing through this MSTVF Table Scan, as seen in Live Query Statistics via the 527597 of 100 actual of estimated - so the fixed estimate is significantly skewed.
  2. For the Nested Loops operation, only 100 rows are assumed to be returned by the outer side of the join. Given the high number of rows actually being returned by the MSTVF, you are likely better off with a different join algorithm altogether.
  3. For the Hash Match operation, notice the small warning symbol, which in this case is indicating a spill to disk.

Contrast the prior plan with the actual plan generated with interleaved execution enabled:

  1. Notice that the MSTVF table scan now reflects an accurate cardinality estimate. Also notice the re-ordering of this table scan and the other operations.
  2. And regarding join algorithms, we have switched from a Nested Loop operation to a Hash Match operation instead, which is more optimal given the large number of rows involved.
  3. Also notice that we no longer have spill-warnings, as we're granting more memory based on the true row count flowing from the MSTVF table scan.

Interleaved execution eligible statements

MSTVF referencing statements in interleaved execution must currently be read-only and not part of a data modification operation. Also, MSTVFs are not eligible for interleaved execution if they do not use runtime constants.

Interleaved execution benefits

In general, the higher the skew between the estimated vs. actual number of rows, coupled with the number of downstream plan operations, the greater the performance impact.In general, interleaved execution benefits queries where:

  1. There is a large skew between the estimated vs. actual number of rows for the intermediate result set (in this case, the MSTVF).
  2. And the overall query is sensitive to a change in the size of the intermediate result. This typically happens when there is a complex tree above that subtree in the query plan.A simple SELECT * from an MSTVF will not benefit from interleaved execution.

Interleaved execution overhead

The overhead should be minimal-to-none. MSTVFs were already being materialized prior to the introduction of interleaved execution, however the difference is that now we're now allowing deferred optimization and are then leveraging the cardinality estimate of the materialized row set.As with any plan affecting changes, some plans could change such that with better cardinality for the subtree we get a worse plan for the query overall. Mitigation can include reverting the compatibility level or using Query Store to force the non-regressed version of the plan.

Interleaved execution and consecutive executions

Once an interleaved execution plan is cached, the plan with the revised estimates on the first execution is used for consecutive executions without re-instantiating interleaved execution.

Tracking interleaved execution activity

You can see usage attributes in the actual query execution plan:

Execution Plan attributeDescription
ContainsInterleavedExecutionCandidatesApplies to the QueryPlan node. When true, means the plan contains interleaved execution candidates.
IsInterleavedExecutedAttribute of the RuntimeInformation element under the RelOp for the TVF node. When true, means the operation was materialized as part of an interleaved execution operation.

You can also track interleaved execution occurrences via the following xEvents:

interleaved_exec_statusThis event fires when interleaved execution is occurring.
interleaved_exec_stats_updateThis event describes the cardinality estimates updated by interleaved execution.
Interleaved_exec_disabled_reasonThis event fires when a query with a possible candidate for interleaved execution does not actually get interleaved execution.

A query must be executed in order to allow interleaved execution to revise MSTVF cardinality estimates. However, the estimated execution plan still shows when there are interleaved execution candidates via the ContainsInterleavedExecutionCandidates showplan attribute.

Interleaved execution caching

If a plan is cleared or evicted from cache, upon query execution there is a fresh compilation that uses interleaved execution.A statement using OPTION (RECOMPILE) will create a new plan using interleaved execution and not cache it.

Interleaved execution and query store interoperability

Plans using interleaved execution can be forced. The plan is the version that has corrected cardinality estimates based on initial execution.

Disabling interleaved execution without changing the compatibility level

Interleaved execution can be disabled at the database or statement scope while still maintaining database compatibility level 140 and higher. To disable interleaved execution for all query executions originating from the database, execute the following within the context of the applicable database:


When enabled, this setting will appear as enabled in sys.database_scoped_configurations.To re-enable interleaved execution for all query executions originating from the database, execute the following within the context of the applicable database:

You can also disable interleaved execution for a specific query by designating DISABLE_INTERLEAVED_EXECUTION_TVF as a USE HINT query hint. For example:

A USE HINT query hint takes precedence over a database scoped configuration or trace flag setting.

Table variable deferred compilation

Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)), Azure SQL Database

Table variable deferred compilation improves plan quality and overall performance for queries referencing table variables. During optimization and initial plan compilation, this feature will propagate cardinality estimates that are based on actual table variable row counts. This exact row count information will then be used for optimizing downstream plan operations.

With table variable deferred compilation, compilation of a statement that references a table variable is deferred until the first actual execution of the statement. This deferred compilation behavior is identical to the behavior of temporary tables. This change results in the use of actual cardinality instead of the original one-row guess.

To enable table variable deferred compilation, enable database compatibility level 150 for the database you're connected to when the query runs.

Table variable deferred compilation doesn't change any other characteristics of table variables. For example, this feature doesn't add column statistics to table variables.

Table variable deferred compilation doesn't increase recompilation frequency. Rather, it shifts where the initial compilation occurs. The resulting cached plan generates based on the initial deferred compilation table variable row count. The cached plan is reused by consecutive queries. It's reused until the plan is evicted or recompiled.

Table variable row count that is used for initial plan compilation represents a typical value might be different from a fixed row count guess. If it's different, downstream operations will benefit. Performance may not be improved by this feature if the table variable row count varies significantly across executions.

Disabling table variable deferred compilation without changing the compatibility level

Disable table variable deferred compilation at the database or statement scope while still maintaining database compatibility level 150 and higher. To disable table variable deferred compilation for all query executions originating from the database, execute the following example within the context of the applicable database:

To re-enable table variable deferred compilation for all query executions originating from the database, execute the following example within the context of the applicable database:

You can also disable table variable deferred compilation for a specific query by assigning DISABLE_DEFERRED_COMPILATION_TV as a USE HINT query hint. For example:

Scalar UDF inlining

Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)), Azure SQL Database

Scalar UDF inlining automatically transforms scalar UDFs into relational expressions. It embeds them in the calling SQL query. This transformation improves the performance of workloads that take advantage of scalar UDFs. Scalar UDF inlining facilitates cost-based optimization of operations inside UDFs. The results are efficient, set-oriented, and parallel instead of inefficient, iterative, serial execution plans. This feature is enabled by default under database compatibility level 150.

For more information, see Scalar UDF inlining.

Approximate query processing

Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)), Azure SQL Database

Approximate query processing is a new feature family. It aggregates across large datasets where responsiveness is more critical than absolute precision. An example is calculating a COUNT(DISTINCT()) across 10 billion rows, for display on a dashboard. In this case, absolute precision isn't important, but responsiveness is critical. The new APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT aggregate function returns the approximate number of unique non-null values in a group.

For more information, see APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT (Transact-SQL).

Batch mode on rowstore

Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)), Azure SQL Database

Batch mode on rowstore enables batch mode execution for analytic workloads without requiring columnstore indexes. This feature supports batch mode execution and bitmap filters for on-disk heaps and B-tree indexes. Batch mode on rowstore enables support for all existing batch mode-enabled operators.


SQL Server 2012 (11.x) introduced a new feature to accelerate analytical workloads: columnstore indexes. We expanded the use cases and improved the performance of columnstore indexes in each subsequent release. Until now, we surfaced and documented all these capabilities as a single feature. You create columnstore indexes on your tables. And your analytical workload goes faster. However, there are two related but distinct sets of technologies:

  • With columnstore indexes, analytical queries access only the data in the columns they need. Page compression in the columnstore format is also more effective than compression in traditional rowstore indexes.
  • With batch mode processing, query operators process data more efficiently. They work on a batch of rows instead of one row at a time. A number of other scalability improvements are tied to batch mode processing. For more information on batch mode, see Execution modes.

The two sets of features work together to improve input/output (I/O) and CPU utilization:

  • By using columnstore indexes, more of your data fits in memory. That reduces the I/O workload.
  • Batch mode processing uses CPU more efficiently.

The two technologies take advantage of each other whenever possible. For example, batch mode aggregates can be evaluated as part of a columnstore index scan. Also columnstore data that's compressed is processed by using run-length encoding much more efficiently with batch mode joins and batch mode aggregates.

It is important to understand however, that the two features are independent:

Query Processing In Dbms

  • You can get row mode plans that use columnstore indexes.
  • You can get batch mode plans that use only rowstore indexes.

You usually get the best results when you use the two features together. So until now, the SQL Server query optimizer considered batch mode processing only for queries that involve at least one table with a columnstore index.

Columnstore indexes may not be appropriate for some applications. An application might use some other feature that isn't supported with columnstore indexes. For example, in-place modifications are not compatible with columnstore compression. Therefore, triggers aren't supported on tables with clustered columnstore indexes. More importantly, columnstore indexes add overhead for DELETE and UPDATE statements.

For some hybrid transactional-analytical workloads, the overhead of a transactional workload outweighs the benefits gained from using columnstore indexes. Such scenarios can benefit from improved CPU usage by employing batch mode processing alone. That is why the batch-mode-on-rowstore feature considers batch mode for all queries regardless of what type of indexes are involved.

Workloads that might benefit from batch mode on rowstore

The following workloads might benefit from batch mode on rowstore:

  • A significant part of the workload consists of analytical queries. Usually, these queries use operators like joins or aggregates that process hundreds of thousands of rows or more.
  • The workload is CPU bound. If the bottleneck is I/O, it is still recommended that you consider a columnstore index, where possible.
  • Creating a columnstore index adds too much overhead to the transactional part of your workload. Or, creating a columnstore index is not feasible because your application depends on a feature that's not yet supported with columnstore indexes.


Batch mode on rowstore helps only by reducing CPU consumption. If your bottleneck is I/O-related, and data isn't already cached ('cold' cache), batch mode on rowstore will not improve query elapsed time. Similarly, if there is no sufficient memory on the machine to cache all data, a performance improvement is unlikely.

What changes with batch mode on rowstore?

Set the database to to compatibility level 150. No other changes are required.

Even if a query does not access any tables with columnstore indexes, the query processor, using heuristics, will decide whether to consider batch mode. The heuristics consist of these checks:

  1. An initial check of table sizes, operators used, and estimated cardinalities in the input query.
  2. Additional checkpoints, as the optimizer discovers new, cheaper plans for the query. If these alternative plans don't make significant use of batch mode, the optimizer stops exploring batch mode alternatives.

If batch mode on rowstore is used, you see the actual run mode as batch mode in the query plan. The scan operator uses batch mode for on-disk heaps and B-tree indexes. This batch mode scan can evaluate batch mode bitmap filters. You might also see other batch mode operators in the plan. Examples are hash joins, hash-based aggregates, sorts, window aggregates, filters, concatenation, and compute scalar operators.


Query plans don't always use batch mode. The Query Optimizer might decide that batch mode isn't beneficial for the query.

The Query Optimizer search space is changing. So if you get a row mode plan, it might not be the same as the plan you get in a lower compatibility level. And if you get a batch mode plan, it might not be the same as the plan you get with a columnstore index.

Plans might also change for queries that mix columnstore and rowstore indexes because of the new batch mode rowstore scan.

There are current limitations for the new batch mode on rowstore scan:

  • It won't kick in for in-memory OLTP tables or for any index other than on-disk heaps and B-trees.
  • It also won't kick in if a large object (LOB) column is fetched or filtered. This limitation includes sparse column sets and XML columns.

There are queries that batch mode isn't used for even with columnstore indexes. Examples are queries that involve cursors. These same exclusions also extend to batch mode on rowstore.

Configure batch mode on rowstore

The BATCH_MODE_ON_ROWSTORE database scoped configuration is on by default. It disables batch mode on rowstore without requiring a change in database compatibility level:

You can disable batch mode on rowstore via database scoped configuration. But you can still override the setting at the query level by using the ALLOW_BATCH_MODE query hint. The following example enables batch mode on rowstore even with the feature disabled via database scoped configuration:

You can also disable batch mode on rowstore for a specific query by using the DISALLOW_BATCH_MODE query hint. See the following example:

See also

Performance Center for SQL Server Database Engine and Azure SQL Database
Query processing architecture guide
Showplan logical and physical operators reference
Demonstrating Intelligent Query Processing

Part 8

Query Processing andOptimization, andDatabase Tuning

Chapter 19

Algorithms for Query Processing and Optimization

In this chapter we discuss the techniques used internally by a DBMS to process, optimize, and execute high-level queries. A query expressed in a high-level query language such as SQL must first be scanned, parsed, and validated. The scanner identifies the query tokens—such as SQL keywords, attribute names, and relation names—that appear in the text of the query, whereas the parser checks the query syntax to determine whether it is formulated according to the syntax rules (rules of grammar) of the query language. The query must also be validated by checking that all attribute and relation names are valid and semantically meaningful names in the schema of the particular database being queried. An internal representation of the query is then created, usually as a tree data structure called a query tree. It is also possible to rep-resent the query using a graph data structure called a query graph. The DBMS must then devise an execution strategy or query plan for retrieving the results of the query from the database files. A query typically has many possible execution strategies, and the process of choosing a suitable one for processing a query is known as query optimization.

Figure 19.1 shows the different steps of processing a high-level query. The queryoptimizer module has the task of producing a good execution plan, and the code generator generates the code to execute that plan. The runtime database processor has the task of running (executing) the query code, whether in compiled or interpreted mode, to produce the query result. If a runtime error results, an error mes-sage is generated by the runtime database processor.

The term optimization is actually a misnomer because in some cases the chosen execution plan is not the optimal (or absolute best) strategy—it is just a reasonably efficient strategy for executing the query. Finding the optimal strategy is usually tootime-consuming—except for the simplest of queries. In addition, trying to find the optimal query execution strategy may require detailed information on how the files are implemented and even on the contents of the files—information that may not be fully available in the DBMS catalog. Hence, planning of a good execution strategy may be a more accurate description than query optimization.

For lower-level navigational database languages in legacy systems—such as the net-work DML or the hierarchical DL/1 (see Section 2.6)—the programmer must choose the query execution strategy while writing a database program. If a DBMS provides only a navigational language, there is limited need or opportunity for extensive query optimization by the DBMS; instead, the programmer is given the capability to choose the query execution strategy. On the other hand, a high-level query language—such as SQL for relational DBMSs (RDBMSs) or OQL (see Chapter 11) for object DBMSs (ODBMSs)—is more declarative in nature because it specifies what the intended results of the query are, rather than identifying the details of how the result should be obtained. Query optimization is thus necessary for queries that are specified in a high-level query language.

We will concentrate on describing query optimization in the context of an RDBMS because many of the techniques we describe have also been adapted for other types of database management systems, such as ODBMSs. A relational DBMS must systematically evaluate alternative query execution strategies and choose a reasonably efficient or near-optimal strategy. Each DBMS typically has a number of general database access algorithms that implement relational algebra operations such as SELECT or JOIN (see Chapter 6) or combinations of these operations. Only execution strategies that can be implemented by the DBMS access algorithms and that apply to the particular query, as well as to the particular physical database design, can be considered by the query optimization module.

This chapter starts with a general discussion of how SQL queries are typically translated into relational algebra queries and then optimized in Section 19.1. Then we discuss algorithms for implementing relational algebra operations in Sections 19.2 through 19.6. Following this, we give an overview of query optimization strategies. There are two main techniques that are employed during query optimization. The first technique is based on heuristic rules for ordering the operations in a query execution strategy. A heuristic is a rule that works well in most cases but is not guaranteed to work well in every case. The rules typically reorder the operations in a query tree. The second technique involves systematically estimating the cost of different execution strategies and choosing the execution plan with the lowest cost estimate. These techniques are usually combined in a query optimizer. We discuss heuristic optimization in Section 19.7 and cost estimation in Section 19.8. Then we provide a brief overview of the factors considered during query optimization in the Oracle commercial RDBMS in Section 19.9. Section 19.10 introduces the topic of semantic query optimization, in which known constraints are used as an aid to devising efficient query execution strategies.

The topics covered in this chapter require that the reader be familiar with the mate-rial presented in several earlier chapters. In particular, the chapters on SQL (Chapters 4 and 5), relational algebra (Chapter 6), and file structures and indexing (Chapters 17 and 18) are a prerequisite to this chapter. Also, it is important to note that the topic of query processing and optimization is vast, and we can only give an introduction to the basic principles and techniques in this chapter.